Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dueling Monuments at First Encounter Beach

Many of us are familiar with the bronze plaque that stands to the left of the large parking lot at First Encounter Beach. Interestingly, there is another plaque at First Encounter that is a bit harder to find and tells a slightly different story. Check out this Cape Cod Times video, featuring Eastham historian Bob Carlson, who takes us through the history of the 'dueling' monuments, and the history of the events of Dec 8th, 1620.


  1. I grew up in Eastham and wondered where the original monument went. I use to go up that hill all the time growing up. Glad to see it's still there and maybe Eastham needs to clear that path and allow people to visit it. It is part of our History. Thank for publishing this.

  2. Absolutely! I also have many happy memories of the clear trail(s) leading to the monument. Who is responsible for keeping the path to the "hill" monument clear? It was accessible about 15 years ago... It's great to see the vegetation keeping the dunes intact, but it would be nice to be able to avoid the poison ivy while trying to get to the original monument.
