Friday, December 02, 2011

Bob Sheldon Quoted in Cape Cod Times

I, on occasion, get called by a reporter and asked about the current real estate marketplace. Sometimes I even get quoted in an article. Here is what I said to reporter Doug Fraser from the Cape Cod Times and published in the business section of the November 30th edition.

RE/MAX Classic Realtor Bob Sheldon says that buyers in his market still seem skittish. With more than half the homes in his town — Eastham — owned as second homes, Sheldon said many of his clients don't lack the cash to make a purchase but are worried about the future.

"I'm finding folks who get to verge of pulling the trigger and say maybe this isn't the time to be spending a half-million dollars," he said. "It's clearly a discretionary expense and they can wait a year."

Sheldon feels that uncertainty could linger into next fall, after the presidential election, when the course of economic policy will be perhaps a little clearer.

"I'm an eternal optimist," he said. "Going into the next year, the interest rates are down, the inventory is up, the prices are beaten down. Any lift on fears of the unknown and it will be gangbusters."
The whole article is worth reading. It's available online .... here ==> News on home sales mixed

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