Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Night Irene - Hurricane and Song

Irene good night Irene good night
Good night Irene Good night Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

Hurricane Irene traveled well to our west, providing serious winds and rain to central Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire, largely sparing us. Irene was only a moderate event for the Eastham and the Outer Cape. At my home we had less than an inch of rainfall and only 40+ mph wind gusts. In fact, at noon Sunday the sun was shining (briefly). That said, there were significant power outages. I got my power back this afternoon. Yeah!

The song Good Night Irene was originally sung by Huddie Ledbetter (aka Leadbelly) in 1932 and has been covered by just about every blues singer since then.

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